Using the Makefile

This project includes a Makefile that you can use to perform common tasks such as running tests and building documentation.


This section contains a brief description of the targets defined in the Makefile.

make install

Create the environment and install development dependencies

make destroy

Remove the conda environment. __Deactivate the conda environment before you run this command.__

make format

Format all code and sort all imports.

make lint

Run pylint and flake8 <> against the project files.

make test

Run the unit tests.

make tox

Run all tests in several conda environments with varying dependencies and python versions.

make coverage

Generate an HTML coverage report. The report will be placed under build/coverage/index.html.

make licenses

Generate a table of licenses from the dependencies to be included in the public documentation.


If project dependencies change, please update this documentation.

make docs

Build the public documentation.

make package

Build the package for publishing.

make publish

Publish the package to PyPI using twine.

make clean

Clean the project by deleting temporary files and local caches.